ZUU Blog

Here's something to help PT's

Absolutely it is!

Lots of training providers sell the dream but the reality of being a PT can be vastly different. Early starts. Late nights. Gyms with 20+ PT’s already working there. Gaining clients. Retaining clients. Should I go on?

You get it, I know.

Why do we stay in it?

We love what we do right? Well, here’s something that can help all PT’s do what they love longer.

Is bodyweight training for everyone?

Bodyweight training rates in the top 5 fitness trends every year but for many trainers and fitness enthusiasts, they think bodyweight isn't for them. I am a huge believer that you should be doing the training you love doing. Whether that's weights, running, metcon based workouts etc.

But what I'd like you to think about as you watch the video is, can bodyweight training add value to what you're currently doing?

Does it merit enough credibility for you to look at adding it to your toolbox as a professional?

Watch the video and have a think about the simple points I often use with trainers and fitness enthusiasts who are disengaged to movement or think it's not for them.

ZUU is never about converting people to just doing bodyweight, it's about helping you do what you love for longer and with less injuries.

Enjoy team #GAT

No.1 Bodyweight exercise for strength clients

For many trainers, the gorilla is definitely met with raised eyebrows when I class it as the No.1 bodyweight exercise for clients who love strength training. But over the last 16 years of educating in commercial fitness, sports and armed forces I can confidently say, gorillas for me are No.1.


Well, to perform gorillas in a dynamic fashion you need power and strength through many ranges of motion. Integrating it into working sets of traditional weighted exercises creates new stimulas not just in the muscles but ligaments, tendons, inter connective tissue and the CNS system.

It's also very visual, meaning it grabs attention in a gym. Most people working out have seen push ups and calisthenics on socials but few have seen gorillas being incorporated. This is good for PT's looking for a point of difference as it creates curiosity.

Enjoy the video and let me know how you go with gorillas!

Office: Australia

Site: www.worldzuu.com